Sunday, November 10, 2019


We are so thankful and feel beyond blessed for Jim to be cancer free and enjoy doing what he loves. Running 😊. He's ran in a few races this year and ended with a marathon yesterday. I love tagging along, doing the driving, and cheering him on at the finish line.
In December Jim will have his 3 year checkup in FL. Your prayers are always appreciated for travel and clear test results.
We give God all the glory for his healing! We are thankful!

Thursday, May 10, 2018

A good report

We once again are enjoying great news of normal blood tests and PET scan. Dr P loves to hear how Jim feels so good with lots of energy, eating good and running. 
Next visit will be in December, then if all is still clear it will be in a year after that.

We are thankful and will never take for granted being healthy! Thank you all for your love and prayers!

Friday, April 27, 2018

Happy 60th birthday Jim and Jason! These 2 have each had some bumps in the road over the years but God has been good and always shown His love and faithfulness through it all! Praying God's continued blessings over them as He directs them in the years ahead.
Love you!

Saturday, November 4, 2017

Indianapolis Monument Marathon

Indy Monumental Marathon

He did it! 26.2 miles downtown Indianapolis in 3:56.46. His goal was to run the whole way and not walk...he met that goal, however, is feeling a little gimpy right now. 
In his younger days he's ran 9 marathons. A lot has happened over the years including aging and a cancer diagnosis. It's only been a year since surgery and even less since finishing up chemo. God has surely blessed him with feeling good and a clean bill of health!

A God thing...I saw a bald eagle at about 7 mi mark. Just before we got to the Monon trail bridge. This verse came to mind. Pumped me up for awhile.

Isaiah 40:31

31 but they who wait for the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles; they shall run and not be weary; they shall walk and not faint.

That lasted about 11 mi. Things started to tighten up around 18. 😕 
This part written by Jim. Too bad he had no way of getting a picture!

Another God thing...I decided to get some breakfast while Jim was running so was waiting for a table at a cafe and there was a couple other people waiting for a table for 1 also. We were going to be waiting awhile for tables for 1 so one of the guys mentioned all of us sitting together. It was totally out of my comfort zone but felt like it would be awkward to say," no I want to sit by myself". So I agreed. Turns out they were wonderful! One guy is a great family man with his wife running the half and is the president of the Indianapolis Motor Speedway. The other guy's wife was doing the half also and is a law student. That couple got married in Flagstaff at the Nordic Center that Jim and Chris ran at this past summer! 

It's amazing how God puts people in our path that we have a common thread with if I'm only willing to step out of my comfort zone. 

It's been a good day...we are thankful!


My answer to the question, “How is your dad doing these days?” Well, he’s running marathons, here 22 miles into the Monumental, having had a cold all week, beating the pace he and I ran the mini 14 years ago.

Thursday, October 12, 2017

Great report!

PET scan and blood tests were all normal! Dr P was his usual fist bumping/excited self about how healthy Jim is. It's always good to see him and catch up.

After a hand shake and a hug he said "see you in 6 months!"

We are blessed and thankful!